Sunday, September 2, 2012

We were 2 hours late leaving JFK because someone checked a bag and then didn't get on the flight,so they called us back from the takeoff runway. The baggage handlers then had to go through the checked baggage to find the one they were looking for...not an enviable task for sure. The flight was long but uneventful. I met a man on the plane who is the head of Veterinarians Without Borders. We had an interesting discussion, and I may see him at JFK Hospital later this week; he wants to see the lab facilities. We arrived at Roberts Field around 4 PM, sailed through immigration easily, and we were met at the baggage claim by a woman from the hospital. We loaded all of our bags into a pick-up and a Prado, and heeded into Monrovia. The driver then took an unexpected turn, and I learned that we are staying in an apartment building in CongoTown ! Jonathan and I have apartments next to each other, and they are spacious, air-conditioned, and they have Wifi ! When we arrived, I found Weltee here to greet us; he has taken care of us before by preparing meals etc at the Presidential Guest House as well as the Bungalow, and he will be taking care of us here also. After we settled in, we had dinner, and then Dr. McDonald came by to say hello. I guess she decided that we deserved better accommodations than what the Bungalow offers. Wile I will miss the pounding sound of the generator, having hot water and Wifi is hard to pass up !! The downside to being here is that we will be dependent on a driver to get to and from anywhere, but I think it will all work out. From what Dr. McDonald said, we will likely have a busy and productive trip as they already have a number of cases lined up for us to consider. So I'm going to bed early.

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