Friday, March 9, 2012

Thursday March 8

The post that I wrote yesterday for this day was lost into my iPad somehow, so I am rewriting it tonight, with the help of my colleagues who are sitting with me in the dorm. Our surgery included Theo,the boy we cancelled on Tuesday; a 3 year old girl with bilateral inguinal hernias; and an adult hernia. The 3 year old is the daughter of a medical student, and the niece of Mary,the Clinical Director so it was a special request. Mary was in the OR room the whole time, as was a male medical student who might be the father ( my assumption, not that of the mother). It was weird having family watching and taking photos, but I didn't feel comfortable asking them to leave. Fortunately the surgery went beautifully, and we wowed them by doing a subcuticular closure and then Dermabond . Unfortunately she developed bronchospasm and had to be reintubated, and that was fairly nerve wracking for the family, but it all turned out well. Diego did the adult hernia with Moses, and it was a valuable learning experience for him in many ways. The last case was a woman with metastatic thyroid cancer to her posterior cervical nodes. Ainoha and I did it, and it was a beautiful surgery,mifindonsay so myself. She has excellent hands, and moved right along, and we both enjoyed doing it. I know that she has more dusease, but hopefully by debunking her neck we will give the patient a little more time.
Diego and John had their meeting with the Medical Board, and I guess it all went well. Last night we had all of the HEARTT people over to the Bungalow again, and then to bed

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